December 2022

AFIR Regulation

The aim of this regulation is to set targets for the deployment of hydrogen recharging and refueling infrastructures for light and heavy vehicles. The ambition is to enable the development of an infrastructure network sufficient in quantity and power to recharge and refuel road vehicles.

In collaboration with BEUC, T&E, Agora Verkehrswende, DUH and ICCT, ITM is contributing its expertise on the French situation and needs. It is in favor of:

(1) the integration of heavy-duty vehicle issues, recognizing the priority need for electrification over other fuels which are less problematic or will come later in decarbonization trajectories

(2) greater interoperability

(3) levers for securing maintenance and operational levels.

The Institute is also a member of AVERE, which covers the subject in a comprehensive way at national level.